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July 04, 2008

John Galliano Fall 2008/2009 - details

Fashion Runway John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion

John Galliano details Fall 2008/09
Sono belli tutti gli accessori ed i dettagli della collezione John Galliano,
rimango a guardare stupita per ore è una ricerca, studio e proprietà di "immaginazione reale" unica.

John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion
John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion

John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion

John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion

John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion

John Galliano Fall 2008 by Cool Chic Style Fashion
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