A Fashion, Style, Design and Lifestyle Blog The daily search for beautiful things.

December 15, 2016

The Style Bloggers Lena Terlutter, Cologne. Germany

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Fashion Stylist and Blogger

Style Inspiration
Lena Terlutter, Fashion Stylist & Style Blogger from Cologne, Germany

Lena Terlutter Γ¨ una mamma, una modella, ha un negozio di abbigliamento a Colonia (Boutique Belgique concept store) e un blog. In questa casa disposta su 4 piani convive la parte privata della famiglia e gli uffici di lei e quelli del marito. In ogni piano un open space pensato/progettato secondo della destinazione d'uso. Interessante e bella Γ¨ la grande stanza guardaroba/living con il camino. Il sottotetto in vetro, mattoni a vista e poi bianco e ancora bianco ... - x Stefania 

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